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Rasters.jl extends DimensionalData for geospatial data manipulation, providing file load/save capabilities for a wide range of raster data sources and common GIS tools like polygon rasterization and masking. Raster types are aware of their crs and their missingval (which is often not missing for performance and storage reasons).

Rasters.jl is also the reason DimensionalData.jl exists at all! But it always made sense to separate out spatial indexing from GIS tools and dependencies.

A Raster is a AbstractDimArray, a RasterStack is a AbstractDimStack, and Projected and Mapped are AbstractSampled lookups.


YAXArrays.jl is another spatial data package aimed more at (very) large datasets. Its functionality is slowly converging with Rasters.jl (both wrapping DiskArrays.jl/DimensionalData.jl) and we work closely with the developers.

YAXArray is a AbstractDimArray and inherits its behaviours.


ClimateBase.jl Extends DimensionalData.jl with methods for analysis of climate data.


ArviZ.jl Is a Julia package for exploratory analysis of Bayesian models.

An ArviZ.Dataset is an AbstractDimStack!


JuMP.jl is a powerful optimization DSL. It defines its own named array types but now accepts any AbstractDimArray too, through a package extension.


CryoGrid.jl A Julia implementation of the CryoGrid permafrost model.

CryoGridOutput uses DimArray for views into output data.


DynamicGrids.jl is a spatial simulation engine, for cellular automata and spatial process models.

All DynamicGrids.jl Outputs are <: AbstractDimArray, and AbstractDimArray are used for auxiliary data to allow temporal synchronisation during simulations. Notably, this all works on GPUs!


AstroImages.jl Provides tools to load and visualise astronomical images. AstroImage is <: AbstractDimArray.


TimeseriesTools.jl Uses DimArray for time-series data.


Most functions in NaNStatistics.jl support DimArray's, see the README for details.