An AbstractDimStack
represents a collection of AbstractDimArray
layers that share some or all dimensions. For any two layers, a dimension of the same name must have the identical lookup - in fact only one is stored for all layers to enforce this consistency.
julia> using DimensionalData
julia> x, y = X(1.0:10.0), Y(5.0:10.0)
↓ X 1.0:1.0:10.0,
→ Y 5.0:1.0:10.0
julia> st = DimStack((a=rand(x, y), b=rand(x, y), c=rand(y), d=rand(x)))
│ 10×6 DimStack │
├───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────── dims ┐
↓ X Sampled{Float64} 1.0:1.0:10.0 ForwardOrdered Regular Points,
→ Y Sampled{Float64} 5.0:1.0:10.0 ForwardOrdered Regular Points
├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── layers ┤
:a eltype: Float64 dims: X, Y size: 10×6
:b eltype: Float64 dims: X, Y size: 10×6
:c eltype: Float64 dims: Y size: 6
:d eltype: Float64 dims: X size: 10
The behaviour of a DimStack
is at times like a NamedTuple
of DimArray
and, others an AbstractArray
of NamedTuple
NamedTuple-like indexing
Layers can be accessed with .name
or [:name]
julia> st.a
│ 10×6 DimArray{Float64,2} a │
├────────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────────── dims ┐
↓ X Sampled{Float64} 1.0:1.0:10.0 ForwardOrdered Regular Points,
→ Y Sampled{Float64} 5.0:1.0:10.0 ForwardOrdered Regular Points
↓ → 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
1.0 0.688541 0.361062 0.928231 0.944279 0.873843 0.573661
2.0 0.11726 0.389465 0.371732 0.269398 0.9704 0.0281263
3.0 0.856458 0.392057 0.505377 0.112034 0.437296 0.13363
4.0 0.466214 0.201498 0.706129 0.316551 0.401068 0.179228
5.0 0.0348108 0.419218 0.680324 0.706632 0.781876 0.136633
6.0 0.536752 0.195665 0.928737 0.36841 0.932654 0.275852
7.0 0.543197 0.835027 0.898725 0.483554 0.908784 0.76149
8.0 0.270362 0.225353 0.0424941 0.209485 0.159686 0.705786
9.0 0.47412 0.277163 0.423238 0.0170795 0.691882 0.335604
10.0 0.448086 0.254743 0.488194 0.0982239 0.58037 0.102238
julia> st[:c]
│ 6-element DimArray{Float64,1} c │
├─────────────────────────────────┴───────────────────────── dims ┐
↓ Y Sampled{Float64} 5.0:1.0:10.0 ForwardOrdered Regular Points
5.0 0.0183714
6.0 0.445407
7.0 0.572208
8.0 0.0701996
9.0 0.94393
10.0 0.782814
Array-like indexing
Indexing with a scalar returns a NamedTuple
of values, one for each layer:
julia> st[X=1, Y=4]
(a = 0.9442785773582415, b = 0.20751849772440256, c = 0.0701995540900271, d = 0.3995229599738085)
Reducing functions
Base functions like mean
, maximum
, reverse
are applied to all layers of the stack.
julia> maximum(st)
(a = 0.9703999039749159, b = 0.9887585559524303, c = 0.943930215971094, d = 0.9453002689503803)
julia> maximum(st; dims=Y)
│ 10×1 DimStack │
├───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────── dims ┐
↓ X Sampled{Float64} 1.0:1.0:10.0 ForwardOrdered Regular Points,
→ Y Sampled{Float64} 7.5:6.0:7.5 ForwardOrdered Regular Points
├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── layers ┤
:a eltype: Float64 dims: X, Y size: 10×1
:b eltype: Float64 dims: X, Y size: 10×1
:c eltype: Float64 dims: Y size: 1
:d eltype: Float64 dims: X size: 10
broadcasts functions over any mix of AbstractDimStack
and AbstractDimArray
returning a new AbstractDimStack
with layers the size of the largest layer in the broadcast. This will work even if dimension permutation does not match in the objects.
Only atrix layers can be rotaed
julia> rotl90(st[(:a, :b)])
│ 6×10 DimStack │
├───────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────── dims ┐
↓ Y Sampled{Float64} 10.0:-1.0:5.0 ReverseOrdered Regular Points,
→ X Sampled{Float64} 1.0:1.0:10.0 ForwardOrdered Regular Points
├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── layers ┤
:a eltype: Float64 dims: Y, X size: 6×10
:b eltype: Float64 dims: Y, X size: 6×10
julia> rotl90(st[(:a, :b)], 2)
│ 10×6 DimStack │
├───────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────── dims ┐
↓ X Sampled{Float64} 10.0:-1.0:1.0 ReverseOrdered Regular Points,
→ Y Sampled{Float64} 10.0:-1.0:5.0 ReverseOrdered Regular Points
├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── layers ┤
:a eltype: Float64 dims: X, Y size: 10×6
:b eltype: Float64 dims: X, Y size: 10×6
Indexing stack is fast - indexing a single value return a NamedTuple
from all layers is usally measures in nanoseconds, and no slower than manually indexing into each parent array directly.
There are some compilation overheads to this though, and stacks with very many layers can take a long time to compile.
julia> using BenchmarkTools
julia> @btime $st[X=1, Y=4]
4.027 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
(a = 0.9442785773582415, b = 0.20751849772440256, c = 0.0701995540900271, d = 0.3995229599738085)
julia> @btime $st[1, 4]
4.027 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
(a = 0.9442785773582415, b = 0.20751849772440256, c = 0.0701995540900271, d = 0.3995229599738085)