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Tables and DataFrames

Tables.jl provides an ecosystem-wide interface to tabular data in Julia, giving interoperability with DataFrames.jl, CSV.jl and hundreds of other packages that implement the standard.

DimensionalData.jl implements the Tables.jl interface for AbstractDimArray and AbstractDimStack. DimStack layers are unrolled so they are all the same size, and dimensions loop to match the length of the largest layer.

Columns are given the name or the array or the stack layer key. Dimension columns use the Symbol version (the result of

Looping of dimensions and stack layers is done lazily, and does not allocate unless collected.


using DimensionalData
using Dates
using DataFrames

Define some dimensions:

julia> x, y, c = X(1:10), Y(1:10), Dim{:category}('a':'z')
X        1:10,
Y        1:10,
category 'a':1:'z'
julia> A = rand(x, y, c; name=:data)
10×10×26 DimArray{Float64,3} data
├───────────────────────────────────┴───────────────────── dims ┐
X        Sampled{Int64} 1:10 ForwardOrdered Regular Points,
Y        Sampled{Int64} 1:10 ForwardOrdered Regular Points,
category Categorical{Char} 'a':1:'z' ForwardOrdered
[:, :, 1]
  1         2         38          9         10
  1    0.921958  0.128827  0.517175       0.947312   0.743407   0.0120967
  2    0.449491  0.176024  0.914911       0.674061   0.291555   0.266342
  3    0.581131  0.436605  0.694066       0.0325131  0.645678   0.620473
  4    0.194849  0.580091  0.176766       0.888721   0.890574   0.985377
  ⋮                                    ⋱                        ⋮
  7    0.191934  0.359421  0.51621        0.828161   0.516313   0.74172
  8    0.450701  0.341133  0.00110588     0.190482   0.245671   0.819605
  9    0.336376  0.636476  0.45655        0.16484    0.294486   0.457841
 10    0.963657  0.353968  0.199484    …  0.104763   0.887294   0.670607

Converting to DataFrame

Arrays will have columns for each dimension, and only one data column

julia> DataFrame(A)
2600×4 DataFrame
  Row │ X      Y      category  data
 Int64  Int64  Char      Float64
    1 │     1      1  a         0.921958
    2 │     2      1  a         0.449491
    3 │     3      1  a         0.581131
    4 │     4      1  a         0.194849
    5 │     5      1  a         0.364097
    6 │     6      1  a         0.022593
    7 │     7      1  a         0.191934
    8 │     8      1  a         0.450701
  ⋮   │   ⋮      ⋮       ⋮         ⋮
 2594 │     4     10  z         0.236866
 2595 │     5     10  z         0.894053
 2596 │     6     10  z         0.350024
 2597 │     7     10  z         0.417756
 2598 │     8     10  z         0.125477
 2599 │     9     10  z         0.599789
 2600 │    10     10  z         0.363373
                        2585 rows omitted

Converting to CSV

We can also write arrays and stacks directly to CSV.jl, or any other data type supporting the Tables.jl interface.

using CSV
CSV.write("dimstack.csv", st)
2601-element Vector{String}:
