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If you want to use this package you need to install it first. You can do it using the following commands:

julia> ] # ']' should be pressed
pkg> add DimensionalData


julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("DimensionalData")

Additionally, it is recommended to check the version that you have installed with the status command.

julia> ]
pkg> status DimensionalData


Start using the package:

using DimensionalData

and create your first DimArray

julia> A = DimArray(rand(4,5), (a=1:4, b=1:5))
4×5 DimArray{Float64, 2}
├──────────────────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────── dims ┐
a Sampled{Int64} 1:4 ForwardOrdered Regular Points,
b Sampled{Int64} 1:5 ForwardOrdered Regular Points
  1         2         3         4         5
 1    0.919181  0.954159  0.789493  0.123538  0.464413
 2    0.426019  0.845895  0.619259  0.74002   0.824787
 3    0.746586  0.586749  0.477645  0.705747  0.579592
 4    0.819201  0.121813  0.804193  0.991961  0.803867


julia> C = DimArray(rand(Int8, 10), (alpha='a':'j',))
10-element DimArray{Int8, 1}
├──────────────────────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────── dims ┐
alpha Categorical{Char} 'a':1:'j' ForwardOrdered
 'a'    74
 'b'    89
 'c'    58
 'd'    30
 'e'   -89
 'f'     5
 'g'   -71
 'h'  -118
 'i'   -52
 'j'   -89

or something a little bit more complicated:

julia> data = rand(Int8, 2, 10, 3) .|> abs
2×10×3 Array{Int8, 3}:
[:, :, 1] =
 93   9   2  89  116   16  37  60  91  95
 44  29  92  18  120  109  90  18  17  19

[:, :, 2] =
 60  68  126  62  15  99  53  22  119  100
 84  41   81  78  27  53  22  31   50   53

[:, :, 3] =
 88  42  113  12  86  77  117   40  92   94
  9  40   34  93   0  16  122  114  33  102
julia> B = DimArray(data, (channel=[:left, :right], time=1:10, iter=1:3))
2×10×3 DimArray{Int8, 3}
├──────────────────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────── dims ┐
channel Categorical{Symbol} [:left, :right] ForwardOrdered,
time    Sampled{Int64} 1:10 ForwardOrdered Regular Points,
iter    Sampled{Int64} 1:3 ForwardOrdered Regular Points
[:, :, 1]
       1   2   3   4    5    6   7   8   9  10
  :left   93   9   2  89  116   16  37  60  91  95
  :right  44  29  92  18  120  109  90  18  17  19