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Running regular julia code on GPUs is one of the most amazing things about the language. DimensionalData.jl leans into this as much as possible.

using DimensionalData, CUDA

# Create a Float32 array to use on the GPU
A = rand(Float32, X(1.0:1000.0), Y(1.0:2000.0))

# Move the parent data to the GPU with `modify` and the `CuArray` constructor:
cuA = modify(CuArray, A)

The result of a GPU broadcast is still a DimArray:

julia> cuA2 = cuA .* 2
1000×2000 DimArray{Float32,2} │
├───────────────────────────────┴────────────────────────────── dims ┐
 X Sampled{Float64} 1.0:1.0:1000.0 ForwardOrdered Regular Points,
 Y Sampled{Float64} 1.0:1.0:2000.0 ForwardOrdered Regular Points
  1.0       2.0        3.0        4.0  1998.0        1999.0        2000.0
    1.0  1.69506   1.28405    0.989952   0.900394        1.73623       1.30427       1.98193
    2.0  1.73591   0.929995   0.665742   0.345501        0.162919      1.81708       0.702944
    3.0  1.24575   1.80455    1.78028    1.49097         0.45804       0.224375      0.0197492
    4.0  0.374026  1.91495    1.17645    0.995683        0.835288      1.54822       0.487601
    5.0  1.17673   0.0557598  0.183637   1.90645     0.88058       1.23788       1.59705
    6.0  1.57019   0.215049   1.9155     0.982762        0.906838      0.1076        0.390081
  995.0  1.48275   0.40409    1.37963    1.66622         0.462981      1.4492        1.26917
  996.0  1.88869   1.86174    0.298383   0.854739     0.778222      1.42151       1.75568
  997.0  1.88092   1.87436    0.285965   0.304688        1.32669       0.0599431     0.134186
  998.0  1.18035   1.61025    0.352614   1.75847         0.464554      1.90309       1.30923
  999.0  1.40584   1.83056    0.0804518  0.177423        1.20779       1.95217       0.881149
 1000.0  1.41334   0.719974   0.479126   1.92721         0.0649391     0.642908      1.07277

But the data is on the GPU:

julia> typeof(parent(cuA2))
CuArray{Float32, 2, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}

GPU Integration goals

DimensionalData.jl has two GPU-related goals:

  1. Work seamlessly with Base julia broadcasts and other operations that already work on GPU.

  2. Work as arguments to custom GPU kernel functions.

This means any AbstractDimArray must be automatically moved to the GPU and its fields converted to GPU friendly forms whenever required, using Adapt.jl).

  • The array data must converts to the correct GPU array backend when Adapt.adapt(dimarray) is called.

  • All DimensionalData.jl objects, except the actual parent array, need to be immutable isbits or convertible to them. This is one reason DimensionalData.jl uses rebuild and a functional style, rather than in-place modification of fields.

  • Symbols need to be moved to the type system Name{:layer_name}() replaces :layer_name

  • Metadata dicts need to be stripped, they are often too difficult to convert, and not needed on GPU.

As an example, DynamicGrids.jl uses AbstractDimArray for auxiliary model data that are passed into KernelAbstractions.jl/ CUDA.jl kernels.