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DiskArrays.jl compatibility

DiskArrays.jl enables lazy, chunked application of:

  • broadcast

  • reductions

  • iteration

  • generators

  • zip

It is rarely used directly, but is present in most disk and cloud based spatial data packages in julia, including: ArchGDAL.jl, NetCDF.jl, Zarr.jl, NCDatasets.lj, GRIBDatasets.jl and CommonDataModel.jl

The combination of DiskArrays.jl and DimensionalData.jl is Julias answer to pythons xarray. Rasters.jl and YAXArrays.jl are user-facing tools building on this combination.

They have no direct dependency relationships, with but are intentionally designed to integrate via both adherence to Julia's AbstractArray interface, and by coordination during development of both packages.