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Point, polygon and table operations

rasterizerasterize points and geometries.
extractextract values from points or geometries.
zonalcalculate zonal statistics for an object masked by geometries.

Methods that change the resolution or extent of an object

Click through to the function documentation for more in-depth descriptions and examples.

aggregateaggregate data by the same or different amounts for each axis.
disaggregatesimilarly disaggregate data.
mosaicjoin rasters covering different extents into a single array or file.
cropshrink objects to specific dimension sizes or the extent of another object.
extendextend objects to specific dimension sizes or the extent of another object.
trimtrims areas of missing values for arrays and across stack layers.
resampleresample data to a different size and projection, or snap to another object.
warpuse gdalwarp on any object, e.g. a multidimensional NetCDF stack.

Methods that change an objects values

classifyclassify values into categories.
maskmask an object by a polygon or Raster along X/Y, or other dimensions.
replace_missingreplace all missing values in an object and update missingval.


Note that most regular Julia methods, such as replace, work as for a standard Array. These additional methods are commonly required in GIS applications.

Methods to load, write and modify data sources

modifyreplace the data in objects. Useful to e.g. move objects to/from a GPU.
readread data to memory if it is on disk.
read!read data to predefined memory.
openopen the underlying data for manually reading or writing.
writewrite objects to file.